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Hong Kong Phooey (Hi-Tec)

download the install packageHongKongPhooey.lha
created at2013-10-28
size of install package59188 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Hall Of Light734
Lemon Amiga2302

Short:    HD-Installer for Hong Kong Phooey V1.1
Author:   Codetapper/Action (codetapper@hotmail.com)
Uploader: Codetapper/Action (codetapper@hotmail.com)
Version:  1.1
Type:     game/patch

This patch applies to "Hong Kong Phooey" (c) 1990 Hi-Tec - 1 disk. 
Supported versions: - Original release - SPS 1559 (Tom Meades)
                    - Hi-Tec Hanna-Barbera Cartoon Character Collection -
                      SPS 2516 (Chris Vella)

- Slave requires WHDLoad V17+.
- Game requires 512k chip mem (+0.2Mb other memory for preload option)

FEATURES: (22-Aug-2001)
- Full load from HD
- Loads and saves high scores (unless you cheat)
- Blitter waits inserted (x189)
- Decruncher relocated to fast memory
- Buttonwait tooltype for title picture
- Keyboard routine fixed (no delay between the acknowledgement at all!)
- Trainer added
- RomIcon, NewIcon and OS3.5 ColorIcon (created by me)
- Quit option (default key is 'F10')

VERSION 1.1: (28-Oct-2013)
- Supports Hi-Tec Hanna-Barbera Cartoon Character Collection version
- Added tooltype to start with the infinite energy trainer (CUSTOM1=1)
- Added option to skip blitter patches (set CUSTOM2=1)
- Trainer improved:
        Help - Toggle invulnerability
        Del - Teleport into the final room
- Source code included
- Now requires WHDLoad 17+
- Set CUSTOM3=1 to enable CD32 joypad controller:
        Red                  - Fire
        Blue                 - Flying kick
        Green or Yellow      - Jump
        Play                 - Pause 
        Play+Forward+Reverse - Quit

- Taken from Sweet Cheater by Keith Krellwitz!
- On the title screen, type "PIERS ANTHONY" for invincibility.

Please note that caches *must* be disabled to play this game!

Greetings to Carlo, Chris, Frank, Galahad, Mad-Matt, Riempie, all Action
members and the WHDLoad team!

Codetapper/Action (28-Oct-2013)

         Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:

            ________  ________  ________  ____  ________  ________
           _)       \_)       \_)       \_)   \_)       \_)       \
   __ ___ /___/     /   /_____/\  /     /     /   /     /   /     /
  /_//__// \___    /   /     /CT\/     /     /   /     /   /     /
        /___/     /___      /   /     /_____/___      /___/     /___ __
            \____/    \____/    \____/          \____/    \____//__//_/

           Visit the Action website for more of our productions:

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
HongKongPhooey.slave - 28.10.2013 23:32:02 - 4572 bytes
required WHDLoad version17
flagsNoError EmulTrap NoKbd
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
Expansion Memory0 KiB
info nameHong Kong Phooey
info copy1990 Hi-Tec
info installInstalled by Codetapper/Action!
Version 1.1 (28.10.2013)
Keys: Help - Toggle infinite energy
Del - Teleport to final room
Thanks to Tom Meades and Chris Vella
for sending the originals!
Kickstart name0
Kickstart size0 KiB ($0)
Kickstart checksum$0000
C1:B:Infinite energy
C2:B:Skip blitter patches
C3:B:Enable CD32 joypad controller

Install Archive Content Listing
81501lh57133Amiga2001-08-22 09:41:32HongKongPhooeyHD/HongKongPhooey.colicon
851lh085Amiga2001-08-22 17:54:58HongKongPhooeyHD/HongKongPhooey.highs
125111lh57249Amiga2001-08-22 00:59:58HongKongPhooeyHD/HongKongPhooey.inf
42641lh52609Amiga2013-10-28 23:56:14HongKongPhooeyHD/HongKongPhooey.islave
182701lh57569Amiga2001-08-22 09:43:08HongKongPhooeyHD/HongKongPhooey.newicon
45721lh53507Amiga2013-10-28 23:32:02HongKongPhooeyHD/HongKongPhooey.slave
11881lh5653Amiga2001-07-28 17:56:50HongKongPhooeyHD.info
363641lh59131Amiga2013-10-27 23:44:22HongKongPhooeyHD/Install
7151lh5357Amiga2001-08-06 01:55:30HongKongPhooeyHD/Install.info
25301lh51221Amiga2013-10-28 23:58:00HongKongPhooeyHD/ReadMe
39201lh53207Amiga2001-07-28 17:56:34HongKongPhooeyHD/ReadMe.info
216911lh55850Amiga2013-10-28 23:58:00HongKongPhooeyHD/Source/HongKongPhooey.islave.s
247911lh58464Amiga2013-10-28 23:58:00HongKongPhooeyHD/Source/HongKongPhooey.s
33781lh51197Amiga2013-10-28 23:58:00HongKongPhooeyHD/Source/ReadJoypad.s

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