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Beach Volley (Demo)< >Beat Box

Beast Sonix (Scoopex)

download the install packageScoopex_BeastSonix.lha
created at2003-10-19
size of install package18960 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
download images for that installfiles.scene.org

Title......: HD-Installer for Beast Sonix (c) 1989 Scoopex
Type.......: Hard drive patch (WHDLoad)
Author.....: Galahad of Fairlight (gldflt@blueyonder.co.uk)

This patch applies to "Beast Sonix", ©1989 Scoopex

Slave requires WHDLOAD V15+.
Game requires 0.5 MB Chip Mem (+ 1.0 other memory for preload option)
Kick 1.3

The supported version is here: 


- Full load from Hard drive 
- Copperlist installed correctly
- Colourbit fix x1
- Flood routines fix x 2
- Correct DMA setting added
- Ancient bug fixed (yes, it was even on the A5oo!)
- Quit option is 'F10'

 This was quite an easy fix really.  The classic Beast Sonix from Scoopex.
 The programmer was trying to be a little too clever when doing the flood effect
 for the 'By Scoopex' and 'Beast Sonix' logos.  He wanted to modify the low word of 
 a bitplane pointer (well several hundred of them!), but instead he was modifying the
 high word, so the copperlist was accessing way beyond chip mem range everytime it
 tried to create the flood effect.  Took a while to work out how his code worked
 (or didn't as the case maybe!), but its now fixed.  As a result, a bug that was in 
 the demo even on A5oo is now fixed.  There would always be a garbage line of the logo
 when it displayed.  Because the copper flood is fixed correctly, this old bug no longer
 exits ;)
  The kickstart image must be located in the directory "Devs:Kickstarts"
and must be named "kick34005.A500". The image can be extracted from an
A500 with tools like "GrabKick" or similar which can be found on Aminet.
If the image is the wrong version or altered in any way, WHDLoad will
quit with an appropriate error message. 

Additionally the file "kick34005.A500.RTB" must be installed in the same
directory as the kickstart image. It can be found in the archive 
"util/boot/skick343.lha" on Aminet.

Regards, Galahad & Mad Matt

         Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
BeastSonix.slave - 13.10.2003 17:39:44 - 1564 bytes
required WHDLoad version15
flagsNoError EmulPriv
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
required Expansion Memory256 KiB ($40000)
info name-* B E A S T S O N I X *-
info copy1989 Scoopex
info install
Installed & Fixed by
Galahad of Fairlight
Version 1.0 (10/10/03)
Thanks to Mad Matt for the icons & installer

Install Archive Content Listing
87590lh582972003-10-13 17:47:32BeastSonixHD\BeastSonix.coloricon
15640lh511902003-10-13 17:39:44BeastSonixHD\BeastSonix.slave
20010lh517692003-10-13 17:40:12BeastSonixHD.info
110070lh530892003-10-13 17:45:36BeastSonixHD\Install
7230lh55922003-10-13 17:40:42BeastSonixHD\Install.info
20790lh511292003-10-15 19:38:10BeastSonixHD\ReadMe
47770lh525582003-10-13 17:40:12BeastSonixHD\ReadMe.info

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