- Harry for installs, ideas, technical help and know how;
- Mr.Larmer for installs, finding a lot of bugs in WHDLoad and help to fix them;
- Bored Seal for installs, tips and meetings;
- Codetapper for clean installs, tools and english documentation assistance;
- JOTD for converting many JST installs, support, technical help und ideas;
- Psygore for many nice installs and support for SP and WWarp;
- StingRay for many installs and supporting the project that much;
- CFOU! for many installs and other work;
- Dark Angel for installs and support;
- John Girvin for installs, CRC16 and a lot of mail;
- Don Adan for technical assistance;
- Galahad for installs;
- Graham for RawDIC, installs and suggestions;
- MiCK, Abaddon, Blackwine, Morbidius for installs;
- Robert Leffmann for his SHA-256 implementation;
- Angus, Chris, Carlo, Sascha, Susann, Ungi , ... for friendship;
- all translators of the docs;
- Olbi for his CS and all registered WHDLoad users!