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Dragon Ninja / Bad Dudes< >Dragonscape

Dragons Breath / Dragon Lord (Palace Software)

download the install packageDragonsBreath.lha
created at2022-11-20
size of install package166565 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Galahad & CFou!
Mantis BugTracker176
Hall Of Light414 413
Lemon Amiga1738

Short   : HD-Installer for Dragons Breath - (c) 1990 Palace Software
Type    : game/patch
Authors : Galahad / Scoopex (galahadfairlight@yahoo.co.uk)

 This install applies to "Dragons Breath & Dragon Lord" © 1990 Palace Software/Outlaw
 Slave requires WHDLoad V17+.
 Game needs 0.5 MB Of Chipmem & 2.8MB of Fastmem (for preload option)
 Kickstart 1.3

  - Original release version PAL English (SPS 0072)
  - Original release version PAL Deutshe (SPS 0821)
  - Original release version PAL Francais (SPS 2388) 
  - Original release version PAL Deutsche (Silmarils Compilation / SPS 1272) 
  - Original release version PAL Italiana
  - The US version "Dragon Lord" NTSC (SPS 3070)
  - Original release version PAL Francais (with track disk portection)

  version 1.0 done by Galahad:
  - intitial release for SPS 0072
  - Full Loading from HD 
  - Copy Protection removed (Document Check/Speedlocks/Encryption)
  - "Piracy Is Theft" warning screen delay removed
  - Access Faults fixed (x8)
  - Installer and nice Icons by Frank!
  - Audio Filter switched off
  - Quit Option 

  version 1.1 done by Galahad:
  - Supports Deutsche version (SPS 0821)

  version 1.3 done by Galahad:
  - English version Spells section bug fix
  version 1.4 done by Galahad:
 - Supports Francais version (only manual protection)
  version 1.5 done by Galahad:
 - Supports Deutsche version (Silmarils Compilation)

  version 1.5 done by Galahad:
 - Supports Italiana version
 - Code check for registered users removed
  version 2.0 (18.11.2022) done by CFou!:
  - source code rewritten to use patch lists & included
    (and to remove included cracked data in slave)
  - supports DRAGON LORD (SPS 3070 / US NTSC)
  - Decryption code rewritten to work on all CPU
  - RawDIC imager used instead of DIC
    (to fix DIC issue => impossible to skip protected track 158)
  - QuitKey for 68000
  - CFou's colored icons included
  - new install script

  version 2.1 (19.11.2022) done by CFou!:
  - another french version supported (with track disk protection)

 Thanks to:
  - John Regent for the English images
  - Sven Matthiesen for the Deutsche images 
  - Irek Kloska for the second Deutsche images    
  - Diego Frattaruolo for the Italiana images
  - Denis Lechevalier for the Francais images   
  - Angus Manwaring for not forgetting to hassle me to get this done.
    It took a long while to track this bug down.  It`s a totally illogical bug that
    took me a LONG time to solve, but now, finally Dragons Breath will plague me no
    more!! ;)


 At last!  It is finally done!  This has taken a long while to finally get
 released.  With its complex DOS system, OSEmu simply wasn't up to the job
 of doing it, and individually patching every DOS call would have been futile.

 After messing around with various warp files of the game, I finally got hold
 of the original game and worked on the WHDLoad patch from that.

 The protection system was quite competant and took a while to remove.  In fact
 its the one thing that stops an otherwise well coded game working!  
 How many times have we seen that?

 The encrypted boot file routine is one of the stupidest routines I have EVER
 seen in my life!  Technically, it should have stopped the game working correctly
 on an A5oo, how it worked, I simply don't know.

 The imitation Copylocks (Speedlock) were a form of Trace vector decoder like Copylock
 itself but with more basic results.  The compilation versions didn't carry
 this protection, only the first version releases.

 The Document check was removed completely.

 Thanks must goto Jeff for his suggestion on the disk swap problem.  The disk
 swap system for this game kept crashing the game if WHDLoad allowed more than
 1 drive.  Now, all disk swaps are handled externally of the game and the game
 is also fooled into thinking its running from a Single drive system.

 Big thanks to Frank for the speedy install before he goes on holiday, as 
 usual, the icons (all 6 of them!!) look great.

 All Icons are Defaulted as NOCACHE.  The reason is that in some areas,
 the game runs too quickly with caches, but the game still works fine.

 NOTE: Please don't bother using the Trilogy `cracked' version.  It's a mess 
       and doesn't work properly.


 This install simply would not have been possible had Bert Jahn not 
 written KickDOS, so thanks to him for his part in making Dragons Breath 
 finally available through WHDLoad. 

 Please support WHDLoad.


 The kickstart image must be located in the directory "Devs:Kickstarts"
 and must be named "kick34005.A500". The image can be extracted from an
 A500 with tools like "GrabKick" or similar which can be found on Aminet.
 If the image is the wrong version or altered in any way, WHDLoad will
 quit with an appropriate error message. 

 Additionally the file "kick34005.A500.RTB" must be installed in the same
 directory as the kickstart image. It can be found in the archive 
 "util/boot/skick343.lha" on Aminet.

 Regards Galahad & CFou! on november 2022

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
DragonsBreath.Slave - 18.11.2022 14:05:12 - 3928 bytes
required WHDLoad version17
flagsNoError EmulTrap EmulPriv ClearMem Examine
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
required Expansion Memory256 KiB ($40000)
info nameDragon's Breath & Dragon Lord
info copy1990 Outlaw.
info installadapted for WHDLoad by Galahad & CFou!
Version 2.1 (18.11.2022)
using Wepl's kick13 emul
Kickstart name34005.a500
Kickstart size256 KiB ($40000)
Kickstart checksum$f9e3

Install Archive Content Listing
9011201lh56754Amiga1980-07-16 22:25:24DragonsBreath_DragonLord/Disk.3
115521lh58873Amiga2022-11-15 21:43:26DragonsBreath_DragonLord/DragonsBreath.colcfou
120981lh58597Amiga2022-11-15 21:43:26DragonsBreath_DragonLord/dragonsBreath.colcfou2
120561lh58401Amiga2022-11-15 21:43:26DragonsBreath_DragonLord/dragonsBreath.colcfou3
132611lh512574Amiga1980-07-16 22:25:24DragonsBreath_DragonLord/DragonsBreath.colicon
130491lh512035Amiga1980-07-16 22:25:24DragonsBreath_DragonLord/DragonsBreath.colicon2
127051lh511952Amiga1980-07-16 22:25:24DragonsBreath_DragonLord/DragonsBreath.colicon3
4501lh5176Amiga2004-10-18 11:49:58DragonsBreath_DragonLord/DragonsBreath.inf
2881lh5175Amiga2022-11-18 01:15:18DragonsBreath_DragonLord/DragonsBreath.islave
199821lh512191Amiga1980-07-16 22:25:24DragonsBreath_DragonLord/DragonsBreath.newicon
199801lh511453Amiga1980-07-16 22:25:24DragonsBreath_DragonLord/DragonsBreath.newicon2
199781lh511588Amiga1980-07-16 22:25:24DragonsBreath_DragonLord/DragonsBreath.newicon3
39281lh52584Amiga2022-11-18 14:05:12DragonsBreath_DragonLord/DragonsBreath.Slave
42921lh52005Amiga2003-12-08 13:38:04DragonsBreath_DragonLord/Hints
19901lh51310Amiga2022-11-15 21:45:38DragonsBreath_DragonLord/Hints.info
28111lh51854Amiga2022-11-16 20:54:00DragonsBreath_DragonLord.info
405821lh510115Amiga2022-11-18 01:16:26DragonsBreath_DragonLord/Install
12581lh5830Amiga2022-11-16 21:04:50DragonsBreath_DragonLord/Install.info
853351lh520966Amiga2003-12-08 13:38:04DragonsBreath_DragonLord/Manual
19901lh51312Amiga2022-11-15 21:45:38DragonsBreath_DragonLord/Manual.info
52001lh52385Amiga2022-11-18 09:38:36DragonsBreath_DragonLord/Readme
19901lh51312Amiga2022-11-15 21:45:38DragonsBreath_DragonLord/ReadMe.info
241241lh56184Amiga2022-11-18 14:05:08DragonsBreath_DragonLord/src/DragonsBreath.asm
21501lh5747Amiga2022-11-18 01:15:14DragonsBreath_DragonLord/src/DragonsBreath.islave.asm
131451lh54333Amiga2022-11-16 09:06:02DragonsBreath_DragonLord/src/old/DragonLord10.asm
137931lh53877Amiga2005-09-08 23:06:50DragonsBreath_DragonLord/src/old/DragonsBreath14.ASM

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