2025-02-14 23:29 CET

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006430Hagar[All Projects] Generalpublic2024-02-28 15:41
Assigned ToCFOUProject InfoHägar (KingSoft)
Summary0006430: Default Quitkey F10 is the problem. F10 is used in the game for taking the
DescriptionGameVersion: DE, .lha-file on my Retropie WHDload
SlaveVersion: version 1.0 (15.02.02) done by C-Fou!

Default Quitkey F10 is the problem.
F10 is used in the game for taking the magic potion (smart bomb).
When I use F10 in the game I fall out of it.
I can't overwrite the Quitkey, I tried it in many ways: in hostprefs.conf, in the autoboot-file and also in the boot-data.zip file (S/whdload.prefs).
I tried it with QUITKEY=$5D. No way worked.
Now I guess it can only be changed in the slave.file. But I don't know how, I'm only a Retropie-User.
I found a similar case on your site for the game Space Quest: issue 6202
version 1.3 (04.07.2023) done by StingRay:
 - default quitkey changed to PrtSc as F10 is used in the game (0006202)
I hope my first description of a problem is understandable for you.
br Maks
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem4 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.0
KickROM39 - Kick 3.0
KickSoft39 - Kick 3.0
Attached Files



note ~0013614

Pascal De Maeseneire (reporter)



You can change the QuitBy

When You are in workbench:

Please select the game Icon's (Only one Click just to select the iccon)
After that press information to open the icon (ICON in The Top Menu)
You will see
HERE YOU CAN ADD : Quitkey=$46 (For Del Key ... You can See http://whdload.de/docs/en/rawkey.html)
Afther that Press save to save the modification

note ~0013616

Maks (reporter)

Hi Pascal,

thanks a lot for your hint - but I guess it doesn't help in my situation.

I am using Amiberry in Retropie on my Raspberry, I have no Workbench.
My only help seems to be the slave-change, as it was done with the game Space Quest.

SpaceQuest_v1.2_NTSC_1484 was updated to v1.3
...version 1.3 (04.07.2023) done by StingRay:
 - default quitkey changed to PrtSc as F10 is used in the game (0006202)..

I tried both versions:
v1.2 kicked me out of the game with F10
v1.3 not - F10 was usable for the game

So I hope someone could make a slave with the same change of the default quitkey.

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-02-27 15:11 administrator New Issue
2024-02-27 15:11 administrator Status new => assigned
2024-02-27 15:11 administrator Assigned To => CFOU
2024-02-27 21:30 Pascal De Maeseneire Note Added: 0013614
2024-02-28 15:41 Maks Note Added: 0013616
+Issue History